Regression therapy
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will."
Mahatma Gandhi
The mind is very interesting and complex. Science has barely started to understand what it is, how it works and how to manipulate it. However, the focus of the mind is essentially directed to our survival and the maintenance of our welfare. This is mostly achieved subconsciously and we can sometimes be directed to behave in ways that are not helpful or appropriate at a conscious level.

For example, imagine that a young
child once started choking whilst
eating carrots and was abruptly
lifted up and maneuvered by her nervous parents as they tried to dislodge it from her throat. As the child grew up, the memory of this temporarily traumatic experience would have receded, but nevertheless it would have created an imprint in her subconscious mind, which could well be the cause of an “unexplained” phobia or dislike of carrots. The subconscious mind is very literal in its way of functioning, and although this solution will prevent the person from choking on carrots again, it will also restrict this person’s diet considerably which is not in their best interest.
This example can be extended to many areas of our lives. The events do not need to be singular traumatic events like the one described above, but continuous repetition of emotional and psychological experiences can be just as traumatic. When a child is continuously told by their parents or teachers or religious figures that they are not good enough, sinful, ugly or unworthy, this has an immense impact on this person’s subconscious self-belief programmes. These authoritative figures are effectively hypnotising the child into believing their “suggestions”, which eventually become their “truths” and set the guidelines by which they create and live their lives.
Such negative suggestions are reinforced throughout our lives as we experience situations that resemble or resonate with the initial feelings and thoughts. This vicious repetitive cycle prevents us from breaking free and realising that we have free will, enabling us to consciously create a new, fulfilling and joyous reality for ourselves.
Counselling (talking-therapy) provides very valuable and well-established methodologies for helping us to question why we feel or behave in certain ways and to understand our patterns of behaviour. It is only limited by the fact that the focus is on remembered conscious facts, whereas in most cases, the root cause of the problem will be buried within the long-term memories archived in the subconscious mind. When a useful memory or trigger is identified through counselling, the subconscious may reveal the root cause of the problem by bringing it to the conscious mind to be analysed and hopefully released or re-framed, but this process may take a very long time.
Regression hypnotherapy techniques can be used as a tool for more easily and rapidly identifying the root of the problem and how to solve it. Our imagination has free reign to explore and find solutions to problems that were initiated in the distant past. Accompanied by the client’s free will and intent to make changes this enables the healing process to commence.
"All big truths begin as blasphemy."
"If you can't fly run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk the crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. "
Martin Luther King Jr